Into the Borderlands Recap (Subscriber game 3/15/2019)

We have a few subscribers in other countries, making it difficult for them to get into our regularly scheduled games. On Friday night we ran a late night session to accommodate and ensure that they had a chance to play. The group dubbed themselves “The Midnight Riders” and were eager to start kicking down doors and slaying some orcs. This weeks party included some veterans and two newcomers:

  • Warren Maunsell – Human cleric. He has come to the Borderlands in search of religious artifacts of his sect.
  • Sire Loo of Sanssol – Goblin bard. An emissary from his tribe looking to secure the Caves of Chaos for his kind and establish a peaceful relationship with the keep.
  • Sir Stagos – Human paladin. Sir Stagos has come to the Borderlands bring honor to his family’s house and gain renown that may aid them in building alliances.
  • Tip Roundbottom – Halfling fighter. Tip is employed as an agent of the keep and has a high sense of honor and responsibility.
  • Thunderhoof – Minotaur barbarian. Thunderhoof is a captive minotaur who is being trafficked to the capital city of Specularum to be a pit fighter.

The adventure started at the Keep as it often does over drinks at the Stretching Goat Tavern. Tip had just walked into the tavern when he was pointed out by Warren who wondered if he might be willing to join the group on an excursion to the Caves of Chaos to help Sire Loo claim one of the caves currently occupied by a band of orcs. After some awkward introductions and explanation of the accord struck between Sire Loo’s tribe and the Keep, it was decided that the party would venture forth.

Tip first decided to head back to the barracks to collect some of his gear. One his way he noticed two young children setting up a small stand where they were selling earthworms. Tip was very kind and was happy to be their first customer. The young boy and girl were elated and begged Tip for stories of his adventures when he returned.

A light rain made it a sluggish day of travel but nevertheless the group persevered and headed out east along the road. Towards the evening hours they spotted a large wooden wagon stuck up ahead on the road. Tip went to investigate with Sire Loo and they observed two armored guards attempting to lift the wagon up as it had gotten its wheel stuck in a rut along the dirt road. Suddenly a tremor was felt and Warren felt a familiar feeling of dread as an ankheg emerged from behind the guards and slew them both in a very gruesome fashion.

Isn’t he cute?

Both Loo and Tip bravely attempted to fire their missile weapons towards the viscous predator, landing some key strikes through its hard outer shell. Poor Tip tried to evade the beast, but its speed greatly outpaced his short legs and soon he found himself trapped within its powerful mandibles. From within the cart the captive minotaur, Thunderhoof, smashed through the doors of his confinement and charged forward towards the ankheg. His razorsharp horns pierced through the carapace of the insectoid monstrosity and he took it down to the ground. The party welcomed Thunderhoof to join the team and offered him a share of the reward that was offered from the Keep for clearing the Caves of Chaos.

Another day’s travel and the party arrived at the Caves. Thunderhoof offered to lead the way and was struck by an odd sight just within the first cave. Two kobolds had been tied together as a living barricade. Their eyes darted in fear as Thunderhoof emerged. Sire Loo cast an unseen servant spell to help ungag one of the kobolds. A fiery arrow shot out from a murder hole in the wall beyond, and only then did the party realized that the two kobolds had been horrifically doused in oil. The blazing creatures screamed in agony and a foul smell permeated the air.

The party charged past the flaming bodies and found a dining hall with an upturned table that several orcs were using to take cover while hurling javelins at the party. Tip bravely ran forward to tip the table down to remove the cover, and the party took the battle to the orcs. After a hard fought battle, they realized a second wave was coming from the common room to the west as they were joined by eight more raging orcs all equipped with battle axes. Sir Stagos and Thunderhoof attempted to hold the line while Loo and Tip employed their ranged weapons. Warren tapped into the arcane arts of his faith and helped to control the battlefield from afar.

The party was in rough shape after the battle and decided to rest a bit before carrying themselves forward. They discovered orc families had holed up in the back cavern and were prepared to defend themselves with makeshift weapons. The party decided to do the merciful thing and allow them to run free as they continued exploring a sloping passage to the north. They discovered a storage room that was full of weaponry and armor. Just to the west of that room Thunderhoof bashed down a door that led to the orc chieftan’s bedroom. His two consorts did battle for him while he escaped, and the party lost him beyond a secret door during the skirmish. They looted the room and discovered a scroll of fireball that Sire Loo was very excited to get his hands on.

It was a fun, late night/morning with our subscribers and we are looking forward to our next one! We have two more subscriber games scheduled for March (March 22nd at 7pm cst and March 24th at noon). Want to join the fun? Head to and subscribe or support us on Patreon at